Jun 1, 2009

The Fading Sunshine of a Not So Spotless Mind

Monday, June 01, 2009 Posted by The Mood Reader 9 comments
If I could erase my memory, I'd erase the last couple of years with no doubt, whatsoever. If I didn't have the choice to erase a limited period of time, then I'd erase it all. No second thoughts. I'd start over.

But would I be happy, not knowing who I am? Even though "you" is defined by a bunch of mistakes, in the end one finds comfort in knowing they are theirs, nobody else's. Certainty is what people take comfort in. They fear not knowing. But now, knowing what I know, I'd choose not to know.

If I could, would I choose to be someone else? Perhaps not, I'd just choose to be different. I'd choose to be the "me" I wanna be. What's stopping me to be be the me I want to be? Not much. Just 21 years.


richie said...

Frumos :).

joe said...

But are you happy now? Probably not. So go ahead and erase it!

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind said...

I wish I knew how...

Răzvan Cîmpean said...

Totul are o legatura cu muzica, stiu. Asa ca iti recomand Blue October - Amnesia. Cred ca o sa te regasesti in ea.
I wish I could go to sleep and wake up with amnesia
And try to forget the things I've done
I wish I knew how to keep the promises I made you
But life i guess it goes on
Yeah I know it goes on
You see I've learned it goes on

ina said...

how about if you used the experience you gained in these 21 years and use it to your benefit?
if you'd erase your whole life, would you still know what to avoid? probably not. if you won't repeat the mistakes you've made before, you'd surely make some other mistakes... why would you want that, one you've learned how to deal with your old ones?
whatever... your life's not empty, why make it that way?

Exe said...

Chestia asta nu te pune pe ganduri? Ai trecut prin multe greutati pana acum la 21 de ani, deci cu siguranta astea nu o sa le mai repeti, iar mai rau de atat nu prea se poate.
Ai trait in 21 cat altii in 30, ce-i mai bun acum incepe.
Asa ca nu te gandi la stergerea memoriei.

Sadman said...

pisoiul e bine... enerveaza in continuare... :)) 10x 4 asking. si... taci si fi fericita... :))

Cristian Lisandru said...

Faină muzichie...

Irrina said...

Thanks!Glad you like the new "face" :))

Great post, love your writing style.